Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual campaign promoting the concept of fair trade, encouraging consumers to consider choosing Fairtrade products. This year’s campaign highlights the urgent threat to the future of the foods we love and the livelihoods of the people who grow them as they face the worsening effects of climate crisis.
Then we have the current financial crisis, which, according to Fairtrade.org.uk “is taking a heavy toll on smallholder farmers and workers, with the costs of fuel, fertiliser and food all increasing beyond what is affordable. If they aren’t getting a fair price to cover their costs at this critical time, it means they won’t be able to grow food in the future.”
“Coffee, bananas and chocolate could soon be much more difficult to buy.”
Fairtrade certification ensures that farmers and workers receive fair prices for their products, enabling them to invest in measures such as sustainable land use and water management that help towards mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Without our support for fairer prices today, farmers will find it even harder to tackle the climate and economic challenges of the future.
At Daily Bread, we’re committed to promoting Fairtrade because we believe in a fairer world. We know that some of the products we sell, such as coffee, tea, and chocolate, are produced in countries where farmers and workers can be exploited and paid very low wages. We believe that by selling Fairtrade products, we can make a positive difference in the lives of these farmers and workers, and advocate for greater transparency and accountability in global supply chains. Throughout Fairtrade Fortnight we have a display table showcasing some of our Fairtrade products, and when shopping at Daily Bread in general, look out for the Fairtrade certification symbol on product packaging.
By choosing Fairtrade now, you’re taking a stand with farmers and workers worldwide for fairer incomes, so together we can protect the future of our food.