
We encourage our customers to re-use cardboard boxes as an alternative to plastic carrier bags. We usually have plenty of boxes just inside the shop entrance.

All the bags we use for our packaging are biodegradable. We pack the majority of our food products in Natureflex™ bags, which are plant-based, home-compostable, and certified by the Soil Association. They are made with tree pulp from managed forests and are designed to break down rapidly and not end up in the environment for centuries.

Our polythene bags which we use for larger product sizes are produced with an extra additive called POLYBATCH DEG 86 that makes them degradable and overall better for our environment. This additive degrades polythene under the influence of light and heat, and even continues in the dark to produce carbon dioxide, water and a very small residue of non-toxic inert mineral material. We have stopped purchasing these bags and are in the process of phasing these out completely.

You can bring back your plastic bottles for body care and household cleaning products to refill at a reduced price.

Visiting our café? We participate in Cambridge Food Hub’s Green Coffee Shop Scheme. Our used coffee grounds are collected and taken to be recycled by bio-bean into Coffee Logs, which we then offer for sale in store—a true circular system!

Clothes, books, batteries and light bulb recycling facilities are located in our car park. Please ask a member of staff if you require assistance in locating these facilities.